Handy Off-Canvas Panel for Menus, Sidebar and Much More

Have you come across a side-panel that appears smoothly when triggered? This is usually set when one has a long article on a page or wishes to display a menu. These side panels are also known as Off-canvas panels or flyouts.

Click on the link below to see an Off-Canvas panel we've created.

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The above example shows a contact form embedded in an off-canvas panel. You too can add such a thing or any other content into a flyout panel that comes in from the left or right.

The Off-Canvas module is built by eliminating the shortcomings of existing solutions to serve as a multipurpose flyout panel that can contain almost everything and still look good on all devices!

The Benefits of Using an Off-canvas Panel

  1. There are various ways you can take advantage of this module and improve user experience on your website.
  2. You can have a trendy vertical menu instead of a regular one.
  3. You can display extra content creatively without have a lengthy page.
  4. You can highlight details and point our reference links through a flyout.
  5. Popup registration or subscription forms through the panel.
  6. Display attractive offers and ongoing discounts to boost sales.

Set an Off Canvas Panel in 4 Easy Steps

The HostFiti Builder off canvas module lets you build a flyout menu or a content panel in just a few clicks.

Step 1: Drag and drop the Off-Canvas module on the page or post.

Step 2: Choose the content type you want to display

Step 3: Set a trigger to display the off-canvas panel

Step 4: Manage other styling options if required

And you're DONE!

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