We all have been here: You enquire a business for their email address and the email address they give you is from one of the free email service providers such as Gmail, Yahoo or GMX Mail.
What was your first reaction? We bet that you were surprised as to why they didn’t have a more professional email account that reflects their business. The same case also applies to your customers if you give them your [email protected] email address when they ask for your email address.
There are hundreds of free email services available to anyone with internet access but there comes a time when your email address might be setting your business back. Free e-mail services causes a lot of unseen damage to your business – lack of sales conversions, not getting contracts, no responses etc. – as people don’t take emails from free email services seriously and consider them as spam.
If you are a business professional, and you are still using a free e-mail service like gmail.com, hotmail.com, yahoo.com, etc. then it’s high time to think about getting a professional email address for your business.
Here are four good reasons to get your own professional email address:
1. It build’s your business’s credibility
Having a professional e-mail address like [email protected] not only sounds more professional but also adds more credibility to your business. It also sends the signal that you are serious about the business, as your business e-mail address reflects your professionalism.
It also gives an instant recognition to your business, otherwise with those free e-mail services, your clients keep wondering about who you are and many times your e-mails end-up in the spam box.
2. People are more likely to remember your professional email address
If consumers are already visiting your domain name (i.e. www.mycompanyname.com), it goes without saying they’d remember professional email for business that plays off that same domain. Instead of making them save [email protected], doesn’t it seem easier to use [email protected]? The more they send emails to your domain, the more the brand is engrained in their minds, meaning you’re building brand resonance.
3. You’re not advertising for another company
The name of the game with all of your marketing correspondence is to be top of mind when the consumer has a product or service need that can be fulfilled by your business. If you use a generic email with an @yahoo.com or @gmail.com domain, you are effectively advertising for those companies — sharing half of your brand with them and losing the battle of brand recall when the consumer needs your product or service. Reclaim that valuable advertising with your own professional email for business.
4. Easy to find your Business Website Online
The business email id contains the domain name. This type of email ID is helpful in helping to locate the website’s name on the Internet and generate visitors to our website. This type of corporate email ID creates generous visitors for business and can make the business cash advantage. They enroll in the products and services you offer.
What should you do next?
Having known the benefits of having a professional email account, what should you do next? If you have a business today, you should have a professional website and email address that matches your brand. It is a way of separating yourself from an amateur and dangerous phish scam in the eyes of your customers.
HostFiti Website Builder enables you to create a professional website and email account at affordable rates. Have a look at some of our professional business website templates and pricing for more information.
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Having a professional business website helps you establish credibility as a business. Make your professional website using our drag and drop website builder in minutes and make it convenient for your customers to contact you.
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